How To Get Rid Of Sunken Eyes?
September 2, 2021 2021-09-02 10:29How To Get Rid Of Sunken Eyes?
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How To Get Rid Of Sunken Eyes?
“Doctor, how to get rid of sunken eyes?”
Sunken eyes also called as tear tough deformity occurs because of changes at the deep level of skin. Therefore, even best of under eye cream might not help.
Most of you might have more than one type of dark circles, as explained in this video:
Under-eye creams and home remedies can help with pigmentation. However, they are ineffective in reducing tear trough or sunken eyes.
So, how do we really get rid of sunken eyes?
It is an honour to have none other than Dr Chytra Anand to answer this question. She has trained hundreds of dermatologists on injecting fillers.
Dr Chytra is Cosmetic Dermatologist and Chief Beautifier of Kosmoderma Skin, Hair & Laser Clinics at Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. She can be reached at and
How under eye creams help?
Dr Chytra: Peri-obital skin is the most delicate and the thinnest skin present in the body. When we talk about dark circles, it can be either due to darkness or pigmentation around the eyes, or due to tear trough. Indians are predisposed to hollowing of the eyes at an early age, hence, we see youngsters also with dark circles.
In the majority of the people, it’s a combination of both. Under-eye creams can definitely help to lighten and moisturize the skin around the eyes to minimize pigmentation/darkness.
Fillers are the most effective option to treat tear troughs or sunken eyes?
What is the role of fillers in sunken eyes?
Dr Chytra: Fillers can diminish sunken eyes to a great extent and help to get rid of tired-looking eyes by filling of the hollowness or correcting of the tear trough. Dermal fillers are the safest and effective mode of treatment in such cases.
How much do they cost?
Dr Chytra: The cost of such treatment ranges between Rs.15,000 to 50,000; depending on the type of filler/size of a molecule of filler chosen to correct the dark circles and the need of an individual.
Are fillers safe?
Dr Chytra: It is best to have a gap of at least 2 weeks before an important event because sometimes, a top up might be needed to get the symmetry and desired proportions and perfection. Last thing you want is to have fillers a day before an event and walk around with a bruise, which is rare but still possible. Ideally, always plan ahead to look your best and relaxed on your important event day.
A final note from Dr Chytra:
Dermal Fillers have proven, year on year to be one the safest and most satisfying medical aesthetic procedures around the world. Most important is to have realistic expectations and have the procedure done by trained medical professionals only.
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